Shadow Burst - Colored Pencil Drawing

"Shadow Burst" Colored Pencil It’s a bitterly cold, late-afternoon in the Front Range foothills where Evergreen Lake is completely covered by a glossy layer of fresh snow. The low, southern sun is clear and bright while illuminating the hushed landscape. A dense pine forest is a dark rampart that deflects the fleeting light and contributes to the startling effect of elongated shadows bursting across the pond’s pristine surface. It’s another example of Nature’s ability to spontaneously create an abstract design. The towering tree in front is backlit but its form is modeled by paler passages of snow that cling to limber branches. Subtle variations of dark green describe the heart of the coniferous sentry while slight tinges of yellow bleed through its transparent edges. The background is composed by tiers of soft mountains whose jeweled coloring shifts from true green through turquoise and into cobalt blue. The sky is an inverted reflection of the reservoir as tufts of white cl...