Warren Woods, Indiana |
Situated in central Indiana, Warren Woods is a fairytale-like forest bursting with lush greenery and blue flowers. A little, brown creek flows peacefully through the heart of a deciduous bird dwelling.
An amazing variety of calls can be heard, sung by the canopy's unseen inhabitants. The noisy chatter is a bit comforting for the new visitor as the happy chorus permeates an eerie atmosphere.
Lingering gray skies are evidence of recent thunderstorms whose heavy rainfall has drenched the dark Woodland. The soggy trails are a flooded mess, splattering mud with every step.
Encamped in Eastern Territory for the first time, I'm inspired by the lovely landscape and all of the birds, trees and water. It’s a temperate climate with a humidity that’s as warm as a blanket.
After a few days exploring the flatlands, it’s time to leave. Upon our return to the high country West, we're welcomed by 15 inches of wet snow - it's great to be home.
A fairytale forest |
Lush greenery and blue flowers |
A little, brown creek |
An eerie atmosphere |
A dark woodland |
Birds, trees and water |
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