American Robin - A Cold Weather Inhabitant

American Robin

The American Robin has become so common that his classical beauty is often overlooked and his mere presence taken for granted. By the end of February, males of this species show up here looking to establish territory.

The identity of this Proclaimer of Spring is unmistakable with his bursting, brick-red chest, gray-brown back, charcoal head and pale throat with dark streaks. The bird’s sharp eyes are ringed with white and the yellow bill is tipped with black.

He prefers to nest up high in the bough of a healthy ponderosa pine but he spends most of his day scampering about the meadow searching for insects and earthworms. While on the ground, he’s ever cautious as he keeps a wary eye out for any approaching birds of prey.

He is an industrious bird that is first to rise in the morning and last to roost in the evening all the while singing a cheerful song. During the summer, his nightly lullaby serenades the forest dwellers with a peaceful melody.

There are a few hardy individuals who attempt to overwinter here. Somehow these cold weather inhabitants survive by plucking berries from shrubs and trees while hydrating from tiny slivers of open water.

He’s more tempestuous than the suburban stereotype his personality invokes. When romping around in Colorado’s wild backcountry, though, there is something comforting about catching a glimpse of this familiar fellow when straying so far from home.

The American Robin is common

They show up in late February

Proclaimer of Spring

A bursting, brick-red chest

A gray-brown back and charcoal head

Scampering about the meadow

An industrious bird

They serenade the forest to sleep

Some attempt to overwinter here

Somehow they survive

A suburban stereotype

Something comforting about this fellow


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