Evergreen Lake Trail - A Glowing Marshland

Evergreen Lake Trail

Tracing the irregular contour of a scenic watershed, Evergreen Lake Trail is a looping artery centered in the heart of the foothills. On a hazy, autumn morning the water’s smooth surface faithfully reflects an unusually emerald-colored sky.

Other anomalies also occur as the pall of silence evokes an eerie sensation that is unexpected after such a boisterous summer. During this seasonal transformation, the marshland glows with a sheen of vibrant color more vivid than years past.

Surprisingly this watery world has remained fluid well into the onset of another mild winter. The predictable cycle of annual weather seems to have shifted so traditional patterns arrive later than normal, leaving the local inhabitants in a state of bewilderment.

A scenic watershed

A watery world

Cycles have shifted

Heart of the foothills

A glowing marshland

A sheen of color

A state of bewilderment


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