Poudre Canyon |
Gashed into the northern Front Range Foothills, Poudre Canyon is a steep drainage that’s as picturesque as it is rugged. A braid of blue water snakes through the tortuous chasm while flowing down to the lowlands.
At its most shallow in the autumn, the Poudre River reveals the multitude of rocks and debris normally submerged below the surface. The lazy current and quiet solitude evoke a peaceful atmosphere of extreme tranquility.
Sinewy cottonwoods fringe the banks and the golden foliage, flickering in the morning sunlight, is even more brilliant when set against the cobalt sky. The trees cast transparent shadows that sneak passively across the coarse terrain.
The gorge is boxed in by steep walls that have been eroded into a spectacular arrangement of jagged peaks, pinnacles and spires. Peering up from within the ravine, the ridge line is described by an impressive, sawtooth profile.
A lonely road contours the winding refuge as it gradually ascends the narrow pass to its wind-blown summit. From here the scenery suddenly changes and a wide vista opens up to a treeless plateau.
Down the backside is a big meadow known as North Park where high mountains ring the expansive grassland. Full of birds and wildlife, the wetland valley is the perfect culmination to a long day navigating the trail.
The countryside’s warm colors reflect the pleasant climate of late summer while postponing the advancing gray. It won’t be long before winter descends on this northern environment and heavy snows make entry into this awesome realm virtually impossible.
A pleasant climate |
A picturesque drainage |
Quiet solitude |
Transparent shadows |
A multitude of rocks and debris |
A torturous chasm |
Shallow in the autumn |
An awesome realm |
Jagged peaks, pinnacles and spires |
A lazy current |
A wind-blown summit |
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