Elk - A Symbol of Evergreen


The Rocky Mountain Elk is the undisputed symbol of Evergreen, Colorado. I see them almost every day so I've become very familiar with their ways. The elk's predictable, seasonal behavior provides me with some comfort during these uncertain times. There is a rhythm to their life that influences our own.

The elk seem to tolerate our intrusion into their habitat as they go about their routine seemingly oblivious to the human activity happening all around them. From a careful distance, I took this picture of an agitated elk during the annual, fall rut.

Mud-soaked and lathered into a frenzy, this bull is in his prime. He bellows loudly to other rivals and cows as a signal that he is defining his territory and claiming his harem. Evergreeners have learned how to live with the elk by developing creative techniques to protect their trees, gardens and bird feeders, and by driving cautiously, especially after dark.


  1. Another great photo - am really enjoying these a-z posts!! Great job Dan!!

    1. Thanks, trying to hang in there. More difficult than I thought.

  2. You say you see them every day? Awesome! The way you talk about elk, it reminds me of how we related to deer when we lived in the mountains of California. But elk seem so much more exotic. Hi 5 for keeping up with your blogging challenge. You can do it, Dan!

    1. Thanks, they are very common around here, we've had to learn how to live with them.

  3. Great elk photo! I like your observation that there's a rhythm to their life which affects your own, and gives you some stability. I bet there's some creative techniques to protect the garden!

    1. I like having them around but some people consider them a pest because they are so destructive to plants, flowers and trees.

  4. These pictures are so stunning...really enjoying your posts!

  5. Lovely photo. Glad to hear you were careful! I wouldn't like to be anywhere near those horns.

    Rinelle Grey

    1. Thanks, these guys are a little scary and unpredictable during the rut, you have to give them their space.

  6. I always look at elks antlers and picture them as antenna to a higher dimension, I love how you describe that they bring comfort. Happy A-Zing

    1. I enjoy having them around and observing their daily and seasonal routines. After a while their movements and activities become predictable.

  7. rather a powerful picture - it must be great to see animals like this on a daily basis..

    1. Thanks, I love living here because of the abundant wildlife.

  8. Must be tough to get so near an elk!

    Damyanti @Daily(w)rite
    Co-host, A to Z Challenge 2013

    Twitter: @AprilA2Z

    1. They're all over up here but you have to be careful around these bulls and keep your distance.


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