X-Ray Tetra - A South American Micro-Predator

X-Ray Tetra

In the brackish, coastal waters of the Amazon river, a micro-predator searches for small invertebrates. The x-ray tetra is a diminutive, colorful fish outfitted with a peculiar form of camouflage. The South American native is transparent so it blends in with the dense vegetation and sparkling water. The backbone and a red body-sack containing the internal organs are perfectly visible through a translucent layer of skin. This living x-ray photograph is an efficient omnivore that skims along the river bed hunting for worms, insects and tiny shrimp.

X-ray tetras are extremely social and like to be active in large schools. They are considered extremely peaceful creatures because they are so tolerant of the other species that share their habitat. Their hardiness and adaptability have made x-ray tetras one of the most popular types of tropical fish kept in household aquariums today. It should be noted, though, most tetras in the pet trade have not been extracted from the wild but instead have been raised on commercial fish farms in the Far East and then exported to the United States.


  1. neat fish - we used to have a fish tank with tetras when I was a kid.

    1. I had never heard of them before, I had to do some digging to find something for the letter X. Glad I found them.

  2. I giggled at "micro-predator," though of course on our scale, it is. It certainly looks like it'd be a monster if I were tiny.

    John at The Bathroom Monologues

    1. I'm sure one of their favorite foods the brine shrimp doesn't consider them a micro-predator.

  3. How cool. Being able to see their backbone and all.

    Rinelle Grey

    1. Isn't that strange, you can see right through them to the other side. I guess it may provide some type of camouflage.

  4. Great post Dan thank you! Wish that we as humans could learn something sociable from these
    pretty creatures

    1. Thanks, they're a very peaceful, tolerant species. Something you don't find very often in the animal kingdom.

  5. Just stopping by from the A-Z Challenge list to say "Hi" :)

    Interesting post honey!

    Good luck with the rest of the challenge, although, not far to go now ;)

    xx (www.the-view-outside.com)

    1. Thanks for stopping by. Looks like I might make it.

  6. God's world is so beautiful. . . Thanks for sharing it with us. Happy A to Z!


    1. You're welcome, I'm glad I was able to discover this species for my X post.

  7. Cool see-through fish. Good to know they are not depleting wild stocks of these critters for the pet trade.

    1. From what I learned they're being raised on fish farms in Asia and shipped to us pet-loving Americans.

  8. I’m going to read this. I’ll be sure to come back. thanks for sharing. and also This article gives the light in which we can observe the reality. this is very nice one and gives indepth information. thanks for this nice article... tetra packaging


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