Nuthatch - An Energetic Songbird

Pygmy Nuthatch

The pygmy nuthatch is an energetic, little songbird that lives in old, ponderosa pine tree forests. They twitter about the trunks and branches searching beneath the bark and in needle clusters for insects and seeds. Sometimes they even creep along the tree upside down just like the bigger nuthatches.

Pygmy nuthatches are also highly social, they travel in large, noisy groups that often mix with chickadees and juncos. They roost communally in the cavities of dead conifer snags. On cold, winter nights as many as 100 birds have been seen huddled together in a single nest.

In an unexpected pop culture reference, the pygmy nuthatch plays a key role in the ending of the Charlie's Angels movie. Cameron Diaz's character, Natalie, discovers the location of the evil villains' secret fortress by identifying the distinctive call of a pygmy nuthatch.


  1. Hello, Dan! My parents get nuthatches in their yard. I'm not sure what kind of nuthatch, though. They sure are cute little birds!

    Happy A to Z-ing! from Laura Marcella @ Wavy Lines

    1. Thanks, they're tiny little birds. We see them here all year round even on the coldest days.

  2. They are adorable little birds, and I don't think I have them here in So. Ca., but I don't know...maybe up in the mountains...Great post!

    1. Thanks, not the best photo but it's all I could find for the letter N. They prefer ponderosa pine trees so I wouldn't be surprised if you had them in your California mountains.

  3. Visiting from the A-Z Challenge
    good post

    1. Thanks, doing good - just trying to keep up. It's been fun.

  4. Replies
    1. All other birds work their way up the tree looking for food. Nuthatches come down the tree headfirst and from a different perspective they are able to clean up the food missed by the other birds.

  5. So, they "twitter about," eh? I'll have to start following their tweets! ;p

    I love watching and listening to energetic little songbirds like nuthatches.

    Interesting how sociable they are. Here in Texas, I've seen our nuthatches pal around with flocks of tufted titmouse and chickadees.

    Nice post. I like the pop culture reference, too.

    ~Tui, from A to Z challenge
    Twitter: @mentalmosaic
    blog: Tui Snider's Texas, Travel, Photos & Reviews

    1. I had to make a twitter reference because the little birds are so social. Glad you caught that.

  6. p.s. It's so dang hard to get photos of such energetic little birds, though, isn't it? Much easier to take an eagle's photo, for instance. These little guys just never slow down!

    ~Tui, from A to Z challenge
    Twitter: @mentalmosaic
    blog: Tui Snider's Texas, Travel, Photos & Reviews

    1. I agree, I've had a hard time getting a good picture of one of them. That was the best I could find for "N". Definitely during this challenge, some photos are better than others.

  7. Do these birds socialize with any other species of creature, or primarily among themselves? Not that all birds are famous for it, but those that do make the most interesting social lives. Like those that hang out in croc jaws.

    John at The Bathroom Monologues

    1. These little birds are most social amongst themselves, although in they winter they will flock together with other year-round residents like juncos and chickadees. Sometimes around here you'll see cowbirds eating insects from the backs of cattle.

  8. Sωeet sіte, ѕuper styling, very cleаn and use fгiendlу.

    Hеre is my blоg ...

  9. How cool to learn the Charlie's Angels relation to this bird. I really don't know much about birds (nor have I seen another blog covering the topic), so it was great to come here.

    Silvia @ Silvia Writes

    1. Thanks, I thought that was kind of a funny pop culture reference.

  10. Such a tiny little bird! I nearly missed it.

    And what a cute name - Pigmy nuthatch.

    Rinelle Grey

    1. They are just tiny, little birds and I didn't have the best equipment to get the shot. I had a hard time coming up with an "N" post, luckily I came across a few of them just recently.

  11. We love nuthatches and the noise they make! We actually totally love all birds! I don't think we have pigmy nuthatches here on the East coast but we have some sort of nuthatch--I am pretty certain! Correct me if you know I am wrong!

    jean :)


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