Silver Fox Trail - An Enchanting Moment

Silver Fox Trail Sunrise

It’s a cold, autumn morning at Alderfer Ranch and the landscape is dark and blue. Suddenly, a crack of sunlight streaks across the foothills, permeating the web of tangled tree branches.

Shafts of that persistent light stream through a dense layer of clouds, illuminating the big peaks to the west. Due to the dearth of birds, the eerie silence is a noticeable side-effect of the changing seasons.

Draped over the rugged contour of rocky terrain, long shadows are in pursuit as I hike the Silver Fox Trail. I pass through a dormant grove of wiry aspen, glowing bright white against the dark woodland.

Slivers of low light continue to creep across the meadow until the valley is filled with a comforting warmth. During this first golden hour, fluorescent rays infuse the area with a tinge of orange.

Despite being an industrious night owl, the pre-dawn excursion is worth the chilling discomfort. The November sunrise is an enchanting moment, radiating encouragement and inspiration. It’s time to seize the day.

The landscape is cold, dark and blue

Sunlight streaks across the foothills

Shafts of persistent light

A dense layer of clouds

Big peaks to the west

An eerie silence

Long shadows pursue the hiker

A wiry grove of aspen

A dark woodland

Slivers of light creep across the meadow

Infused with a tinge of orange

An enchanting moment

Seize the day


  1. Not only are you a artist with your pencils, you are also a great photographer

    1. Thanks! I've been drawing my whole life so I'm more comfortable making art but my photography is getting better. Every once in a while, I get a lucky shot!


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