Dugout Creek - Before and After the Storm

Dugout Creek, Nebraska

On the day before the storm, the December weather was unusually warm. Dugout Creek meandered slowly through a golden pasture of prairie grassland.

By late afternoon, the sprawling sandhills were saturated with yellow sunshine. Along the curvy creek bank, a barren forest of twisted trees was glowing orange in the last light.

Just when it was beginning to look like a yellow Christmas, the sky turned ominous, temperatures dropped and a terrible blizzard ensued. The old homestead appeared divine while cloaked in the western Nebraska whiteout.

Morning after the storm and the place was covered with deep snow. The cold water creek was crystal clear as it faithfully reflected a broken blue sky.

After a surprising delay, winter has finally arrived on the Great Plains. The past year has been an unpredictable barrage of challenges and change so it’s nice to see that maybe things are starting to get back to normal.

The weather was unusually warm

The creek meandered slowly

Saturated with yellow sunshine

Glowing orange in the last light

The sky turned ominous

Temperatures dropped

The old homestead

Covered in snow

The creek is crystal clear

Reflecting a broken blue sky

Winter has arrived

Maybe things are getting back to normal


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