San Juan National Forest - A Faraway Land

San Juan National Forest

Sprawling across the southwest corner of Colorado, the San Juan National Forest is a spectacular wilderness. Consumed by severe weather, it's a faraway land featuring towering pine trees and glistening, white peaks.

Buried under a blanket of deep snow, the blue forest is a sleepy dreamland. Still laying low in the cobalt sky, a yellow sun radiates golden rays that warm the frigid landscape.

Bright light comes streaming through the placid interior, creating strange shadows that follow a rugged contour. The wide trail is packed solid, offering evidence that many others have come before me.

This high country embraces the snug comfort of a nice, long winter. Despite the region beginning to wake from hibernation, I find myself mostly alone except for the reassuring company of a pair of fluffed up Stellar's Jays.

A spectacular wilderness

Towering pine trees

Glistening white peaks

Buried under a blanket of snow

A sleepy dreamland

The yellow sun radiates golden rays

A placid interior

Strange shadows

A rugged contour

Others have come before me

High country

Snug comfort of a long winter

Mostly alone

Fluffed Stellar's jays


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